We've curated a 'select' list of some of the best Black-owned in Marketing here in the U.S. with a few additional resources we were able to find around the globe. And, while every individual or company can't possibly be sourced or listed, we do hope this premiere group of seasoned Black professionals will serve as a great resource to help gets you going in the right direction for your upcoming assignments. This is just the beginning. Be sure to check back often as we'll be making semi-regular updates to the site.
Want to get listed, updated or removed? Shoot us an email!
ADvertising + DIGITAL + MediA
55 Media Group - http://www.55mediagroup.com/
Afar Ventures - https://afarventures.com/
All Black Creatives - https://www.allblackcreatives.com/
Black Agencies - https://www.blackagencies.co.za/ (Africa)
Black Bloggers Connect - http://www.blackbloggersconnect.com/
Black Girl Digital - https://www.blackgirldigital.com/
Black News - https://www.blacknews.com/directory/black_african_american_newspapers.shtml
Blogalicious - http://beblogalicious.com/
Carol H. Williams - https://carolhwilliams.com/
EraBright - https://erabright.co/
Fuse Advertising - http://www.fuseadvertising.com/
GroupBlack - https://www.groupblack.co/
Hero Collective - https://herocollective.co
Hero Media - https://heromediainc.com
IDIDTHAT.co - https://ididthat.co/ (Africa)
Indigo & Pyrite - https://www.indigoxpyrite.com/
Kaleidoscope Digital - https://www.kaleidoscoperocks.com/
Matlock Advertising & PR - https://www.matlock-adpr.com/
Mirror Digital - http://mirrordigital.com/
MUSE - http://www.museusa.com/
Network Niche - https://www.thenetworkniche.com/
OLM Agency - https://olm.agency/
Palette Group - https://www.palettegrp.com/
Reach Media - https://reachmediainc.com/
Sanders/Wingo - https://www.sanderswingo.com/
Steed Media Group - http://steedmediagroup.com/
The Digital Footprint - https://www.thedigitalfootprint.co/
UrbanOne - https://urban1.com/
Walton Isaacson - https://www.waltonisaacson.com/
160 over 90 - https://www.160over90.com/
19th & Park - https://www.19parkinc.com
Ablaze Public Relations + Events - https://www.ablazeprllc.com/
Africa Communications Media Group (ACMG) - https://africacommunicationsgroup.com/ (South Africa)
Authentique Agency - https://authentiqueagency.com
Aziza Work Group - https://azizaworkgroup.com/
Beaman, Incorporated - http://www.beamaninc.com/
Bearded Dapper Gents - http://www.beardeddappergents.com/
Because Of Them We Can / Culture Brands - https://culturebrands.co/
BlackHouse Media - https://bhmng.com/ (Africa)
BlackPR - https://blackpr.com/
BlackPRWire - https://blackprwire.com/
Black Publicists Matter - facebook.com/groups/677434316157904/
Bold Culture - https://boldculture.co/
Bombshell Branding Agency - https://www.instagram.com/bombshellbrandingagency/
The Brand Group, Inc. - https://www.thebrandgroup.la/
Brandreserve Studios - https://brandreserve.co.za/our-studios/ (Johannesburg, Capetown, US)
Branding Chicks - https://www.brandingchicks.com/
Browned 2 Perfection Agency - https://www.instagram.com/b2pagency
The Burns Brothers - https://www.theburnsbrothers.com/
Burrell Communications - https://www.burrell.com/
Candice Nicole PR - https://www.candicenicolepr.com/
Carter Media Group - http://www.cartermedia.net/
Cartwright - https://www.cartwright.co/
CHE Creative Industries - https://checreative.com
Cheryl L. Duncan PR - https://cherylduncanpr.com/
Cheryl Overton Communications - https://www.cheryloverton.com/
Circle of One Marketing - https://www.circleofonemarketing.com/
Clarke PR - https://www.clarkepr.com/
Culture Creators - http://theculturecreators.co/
Culture House - https://culture.house/
Dante Lee International - https://dantelee.com/
DeVeauxted Enterprises, Inc. - https://www.deveauxted.com/
The Digital Footprint - https://www.thedigitalfootprint.co/
Dove PR - https://www.facebook.com/Dovepr/
The Dupree Agency - https://thedupreeagency.com/
EGAMI Group - https://egamigroup.com/
Erica Dias - https://thebfirmpr.com/
Firm Los Angeles, The - https://www.instagram.com/thefirmlaca/
Foote Communications - http://www.neilfoote.com/
Formulation Group, The - https://theformulationgroup.com
Gild Creative Group - https://www.gildcreativegroup.com/
Gray Segments - https://www.graysegments.com/
Hero Collective - https://herocollective.co/
Hold The PRess - https://www.holdthe-press.com/
Hue Agency - https://www.hueagency.co.uk/ (United Kingdom)
Insights Marketing Group - https://insights-mpc.com/
Joy Collective - https://joycollective.com/
Karen Taylor-Bass - https://karentaylorbass.com/
Kensington Grey - https://www.kensingtongrey.co (Canada)
Kevin Davis Brand - http://www.kevindavisbrand.com/
Kim Walters - https://www.linkedin.com/in/walterskim/
Kitchen Table, The - https://thekitchentable.co/
KIN - https://workwithkin.com/
Krystle Coleman - https://www.midoristarmediagroup.com/
LaGrant Communications - https://www.lagrantcommunications.com/
Liquid Soul - http://goliquidsoul.com/
Long Tail Agency, The - https://www.thelongtailagency.com/
LPS Consulting - https://lpsconsultingpr.com/
Majority Agency - https://majorityagency.com/
Marian Dupree Group, The - https://www.themariandupreegroup.com
Mecca Made Media - https://www.meccamademedia.com/
Melinda Lewis - https://loveandpr.com/
MOJO Marketing + PR - https://www.mojomktg.com/
Muse Branding Agency - https://www.musebrandingagency.com/
MVD, Inc. - https://www.mvdinc.us
Nottingham Agency - https://nottinghamla.com
Obsidianworks - https://obsidianworks.com/
One Venture Group - https://www.theoneventuregroup.com/
OZY - https://www.ozy.com/
Pink Hippo PR - https://www.pinkhippolondonpr.co.uk/ (UK)
Plush Life Media - https://www.tracydanderson.com/
Pop 'N Creative - http://popncreative.com/
PowerMoves, Inc. - https://powermovesinc.com/
PR, Et Cetera - http://www.pretcetera.com/
Quantasy + Associates - https://quantasy.com/
Regan Farley Agency - https://www.reganfarley.com/
Reignstorm Ventures, Inc. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/reignofapril/
Rupture Studio - https://www.rupturestudio.co/
Skai Blue Media - http://skaibluemedia.com/
Smith & Company - https://www.smithandcompany.com/
Spears Group - https://thespearsgroup.com/
Spoons Consultancy - https://thespoonsconsultancy.com/
The Sports & Entertainment Group - https://tsegllc.com/
This is Dope Agency - https://www.instagram.com/newdopeness
SRB Communications - https://srbcommunications.com/
Strategic Heights Media - https://strategicheights.com/
TAA PR - http://taapr.com/
Team Epiphany - https://www.teamepiphany.com
Tene Nicole - http://www.tenenicole.com/
The Garner Circle - https://www.thegarnercircle.com/
Thinkzilla Consulting - https://thinkzillaconsulting.com/
Three's A Crowd - https://www.threesacrowd.black/
Tiyland - http://www.tiyland.com/
TMI - https://www.tmi.world/
UniWorld Group - https://www.uwginc.com/
Values Partnerships - https://valuespartnerships.com/
Vine Creatives - http://www.vinecreatives.com/ (United Kingdom)
Visionary Rising Agency - https://www.visionaryrising.co/
VMS Communications - https://www.vmscommunications.net/
Walls Communications - http://wallscomm.com/
WhitPR - https://www.whitpr.com/
Whitney Stringer PR & Events - http://www.whitneystringer.com/
Whittley Agency, The - https://www.whittleyagency.com/
Zakiya Larry - http://www.zakiyalarry.com/
19th & Park, Inc. - https://www.19parkinc.com/
Andrew Roby Events - https://www.andrewrobyevents.com/
Ayars Agency, The - https://theayarsagency.com/
BEYOND 8 - https://beyond8.co/
Black Girl Group - https://blackgirlgroup.net/
The Black Table - https://www.instagram.com/theblacktable_
The Brand Pillars - thebrandpillars.com
The Creative Collective NYC - https://www.theccnyc.com/
Crown + Conquer - https://www.crownandconquer.com/
Events by Andre Wells - https://eventsbyandrewells.com/
Gill Talent - https://www.gilltalent.com/
Glow Global Events - https://glowglobalevents.com/
Idlewild Experiential - https://www.welcometoidlewild.com/
K.I.M Media, LLC - https://kim-media.com/
MVD Inc. - https://www.mvdinc.us/
Pop'N Creative - http://popncreative.com/
Queens Entertainment Group - https://queensentertainmentgroup.com/
Studio B Entertainment - https://studiobhq.com/
Team Epiphany - https://www.teamepiphany.com/
The Vanity Group - https://thevanitygroup.com/
Tinsel Experiential Design - http://tinseldesign.com/
Waverly Coleman - https://www.waverlycoleman.com/
Wil Power Integrated Marketing - https://www.wilpowermarketing.com/
W.P. Miller Special Events - http://www.wpmillerspecialevents.com/
Wright Productions - https://www.instagram.com/wrightprods_/
Creative Production
HollandWestProductions - http://www.hollandwestproductions.com/
Paul Hunter - imdb.com/name/nm0402995/
Rock Mitchell - https://www.instagram.com/rockmitchell
Abelle Hayford - https://abellehayford.com/
AiryVision - https://www.airyvision.com/
Akilah Watts - https://akilahwatts.wixsite.com/akilah
Alannah Tiller -https://www.alilscribble.com/
Amber Peoples - https://www.instagram.com/ap_illustr
Andile - https://www.instagram.com/artbyandileh
Art Simpson - https://www.instagram.com/art_simpson_
Ashley Andrews - https://www.iartbyash.com/ (Greek/College)
Ashley Pinklomein Price - https://www.pinklomein.com/
Bisa Butler - https://www.bisabutler.com/
Black Artist Space - https://www.blackartistspace.com/
Black Illustrations - https://www.blackillustrations.com/
Black Illustrators - https://www.liinks.co/black.illustrators
Breana Williams - http://www.breanawilliams.com/
Brelan Evans - https://www.nerdysartlab.com/
Bruce W. Smith - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-w-smith-a541393/
Cartoonists Of Color* - https://cartoonistsofcolor.com/
Chocolate City Comics - https://www.instagram.com/chocolatecitycomics/
Coker Studio - https://temicoker.co/
Dana Bly - https://www.instagram.com/pardonmyfro/
Danielle Coke - https://ohhappydani.com/
David K. Coleman Jr. - https://www.instagram.com/yeskis4king
Dovie - https://www.instagram.com/dovie_golden
Dwayne Jones - https://www.instagram.com/dwayne_jones_
Ebony Glenn - http://www.ebonyglenn.com/
Eeni Edit - https://www.facebook.com/eeniedit
Estherr Luntadila - https://www.instagram.com/4everestherr
Faith With An E - https://faithwithane.com/
Fredy Gbais Obou - https://www.instagram.com/peintreobou/
Gerrel Saunders - https://gaksdesigns.com/
Gordon C. James - https://www.gordoncjames.com/
Hillary D Wilson Art - http://www.hdwilsonart.com/
Illustrator Hub - https://www.illustratorhub.com/
Indaviduall - https://www.instagram.com/indaviduall
James Charles Morris - https://www.instagram.com/jamescharlesmorris/
Kadir Nelson - https://www.kadirnelson.com/
KMM Artwork - https://www.instagram.com/kmmartwork/ (Greek/College)
Kristen Woollery - https://www.instagram.com/lowkey.krissi
Lafe Taylor - https://www.instagram.com/lafetaylor/
LeSean Thomas - http://leseanthomas.com/
Lorin Theory - https://www.instagram.com/bylorintheory/
Lyle Omolayo - https://www.lyleomolayo.com/
Manasseh Johnson - https://www.instagram.com/manasseh_art/
Marcus Williams - https://marcusthevisual.com/
Mel Milton - https://www.instagram.com/melmadedooks/
Melissa Koby - https://www.instagram.com/mkoby_
Mia Jackson - https://www.instagram.com/miajsketches/
Nadia Fisher - https://www.instagram.com/ariadelsole/
Nettrice Gaskins - https://www.nettricegaskins.com/
Nicholle Kobi - https://www.instagram.com/nichollekobi/
Nick Davis - https://www.instagram.com/ndartlife
Nikkolas Smith - https://www.nikkolas.com/
Noah Cutwright - http://www.noahcutwright.com/
Obi Arisukuwu - https://www.instagram.com/obiaris
O'Neil Scott - https://www.oneilscottstudio.com/
Peter Ramsey - imdb.com/name/nm0709056/
Pilar Newton - http://pilartoons.com/
Princess Karibo - https://www.instagram.com/princess__kay_
Ray Styles - https://raystylesstudios.com/
Selom Sunu - https://www.selomsunu.co.uk/
SJohnson Designs - https://www.sjohnsondesigns.com/
Shae - https://www.sheisthis.com/
Sharee Miller - https://www.shareemiller.com/
She Illustrates - https://www.sheillustrates.com/
She Is This Designs - https://www.sheisthis.com/
Sierra Siler - https://www.instagram.com/sierrasiler
Sonya Carey - imdb.com/name/nm2542378/
Tabitha Brown - https://www.instagram.com/quietbuilding/
Talia - https://www.instagram.com/saphiraas/
Thoroughly Kreated - https://www.tatemenent.com/
Veronica Jamison - https://www.instagram.com/veronicajamisonart/
Vashti Harrison - https://www.vashtiharrison.com/
Warren Drummond - https://www.linkedin.com/in/warren-drummond-686782b/
Women Who Draw - https://www.womenwhodraw.com/category/race-ethnicity/african-american/
Young Black Artists - https://www.patreon.com/youngblackartists
*Not Black-owned
African Stock Photo - https://africanstockphoto.com/
Antwon Maxwell Photography - https://www.antwonmaxwellphotography.com/
Beauty In Color - https://www.instagram.com/beautyincolr/
Black Illustrations - https://www.blackillustrations.com/
Black Women Photographers - https://www.blackwomenphotographers.com/
Brwn Stock Imaging - https://www.brwnstockimaging.com/
Corey Wheeler Photography - https://www.coreywheelerphotography.com/
CreateHer Stock - https://createherstock.com/
Exquisite Eye - http://www.exquisite-eye.com/
Eye For Ebony - https://www.eyeforebony.com/
Honey Social - https://www.honeysocial.co/
James Anthony - https://www.jamesanthonyphotos.com/
Jerome A. Shaw - https://photosbyrome.com/
Karl Ferguson, Jr. - http://www.karlfergusonjr.com/
Keith Major - https://www.keithmajor.com/
Kelvin "Kel" Bulluck - https://www.kelbpics.com/
Kreshonna Keane - https://www.visualsbyk.com/
Leslie Andrews Photography - https://www.leslieandrewsphotography.com/
M. Shonell Photo - http://mshonellphoto.com/
MAD Works Photography - http://www.madworksphotography.com/
Max Hemphill - https://maxhemphill.com/
Mocha Stock - https://www.mochastock.com/
Nappy - https://www.nappy.co/
Nelson Cosey - https://www.coseyphotography.com/
Optik 21 - https://www.optik21.com/
Pic Noi - https://picnoi.com/
Picha - https://www.pichastock.com/ (Africa)
Pixels In Colour - https://www.pixelsincolour.com/
PixiStock - https://pixistock.com/
POCStock - https://www.pocstock.com/
Porterhouse LA - https://www.porterhousela.net/
Robert Ector - https://www.robertector.com/
Ryan Postas - https://ryanpostas.com/
SBS Studios LA - https://www.sbsstudiosla.com/
See In Black - https://seeinblack.com/
Sterling Pics - https://sterlingpics.net/
Tonl - https://tonl.co/
Tyree Harris - https://www.tyreeharris.work/
copywriters & EDITORS
Black Copywriter Coalition - https://www.facebook.com/groups/blackcopywriters
Editors of Color^ - https://editorsofcolor.com/
Writers of Color - https://www.writersofcolor.org/
^Relevant but cannot determine if Black-owned
Demarcus McGaughey - http://demarcusmcgaughey.com/
Goldfinger Creative - https://goldfingercreative.com/
Jason Clark - http://www.jasonclarkfoto.com/
Kara Barnett - https://www.createdbykb.com/
Marcus Moore - http://aimfortheheart.me/
Steven Onoja - https://www.stevenonoja.com/
TaylorMade Media, LLC - https://www.taylormademediagroup.com/
Temi Coker - https://temicoker.co/
4A's MAIP - https://foundation.aaaa.org/maip.html
Adcolor - https://adcolor.org/
African-American Marketing Association (AAMA) - https://www.aa-ma.org/
Black Bloggers Connect - https://www.blackbloggersconnect.com/
#blkcreatives - https://blkcreatives.com/
Black Creatives - https://www.blackcreatives.com/
Black Creatives Richmond Virginia - https://www.blackcreativesrva.com/
Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit - https://www.blackenterprise.com/womenofpowersummit/
Blacks in Advertising - https://www.blacksinadvertising.com/
Blacks Who Blog - https://www.instagram.com/BlacksWhoBlog/
Blogging While Brown - http://bloggingwhilebrown.com/
ColorComm - https://www.colorcommnetwork.com/
Color Vision - https://www.colorvisioncreates.com/
Diverse Creatives - http://diversecreatives.com/
Hire Black Female Creatives - https://www.hireblackfemalecreatives.com/
Inkwell Beach Cannes - https://inkwellbeachcannes.com/
International Association of Minority Women In PR - https://www.facebook.com/publicists4theculture/
Marcus Graham Project - http://marcusgrahamproject.org/
Men of Color in Communications - https://www.facebook.com/mocincomms/
National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC) - http://namic.com/
National Black Public Relations Society (NBPRS) - http://nbprs.org/
National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) - https://nnpa.org/
One School* - https://www.oneschoolny.org/
Where Are All The Black People - https://www.waatbp.org/
*Not Black-owned
more marketing connections
100 Roses From Concrete - https://www.100rosesfromconcrete.com/
600 & Rising - https://600andrising.com/
A3 Magazine - https://www.a3mag.com/
African-American Marketing Association (AAMA) - https://www.aa-ma.org/
The AdTech Collective - https://www.theadtechcollective.com/
Bid Black - https://www.bid.black/
BIPOC Creative Directory - http://bipoc.network/
BIPOC Resources for Creatives* - https://www.shillingtoneducation.com/blog/bipoc-resources-creatives/
BlackBusiness - https://www.blackbusiness.com/
The Black & Brown Podcast Collective & Festival - https://www.bbpodcollective.com/
Black Creatives - https://www.blackcreatives.com/
Black Genius Foundation - https://www.theblackgeniusfoundation.org/
Black Girls in Media - https://www.blackgirlsinmediainc.com/
BLAC Internship - https://www.blacinternship.com/
Blacks In Advertising - https://www.blacksinadvertising.com/
Black Life Network - https://www.blacklifenetwork.com/
Black Marketers Association of America (BMAA) - https://www.blackmarketers.org/
Blacks Who Design - https://blackswho.design/
Blk Pod Collective - https://www.blkpodcollective.com/
BLK Publishing - https://www.blk.com/
The BrandLab* - https://www.thebrandlab.org/
Brandpreunuer - https://www.brandprenuer.com/
Cannes Can: Diversity Collective - https://cannesdiversitycollective.com/
Center for Photographers of Color - https://www.photographersofcolor.org/
Change The Lens - https://www.changethelens.com/
Commercial Directors Diversity Program* - http://www.cddprogram.org/
Dear Black Talent* - https://www.dearblacktalent.com/
Design for Black Lives - https://designforblacklives.com/
Digital Diversity Network - https://digitaldiversitynetwork.com/
Distinctively Creative Hire Black Creatives - https://www.distinctlydc.com/
Federation of African American Advertisers & Marketers (FAAAM) - https://www.thefaaam.org/
Great Black Speakers - https://www.greatblackspeakers.com/
In For 13 - https://www.pledgeinfor13.com/
Minorities in Media Connect - https://mimconnect.com/
One Club Diverse Talent Ad Directory* - https://www.diverseadtalent.org/
Sporas* - https://www.sporas.com/
The PR Girl Manifesto - https://www.theprgirlmanifesto.com/
Target Market News - http://www.targetmarketnews.com/
Three's A Crowd - https://www.threesacrowd.black/
UK Black Creatives - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vs0gejznJAFri1XLQ1CIiF1SqH1lkc8jG-bGs5Scjoc/edit?usp=sharing (United Kingdom)
Useful School - https://www.usefulschool.com/
*Not Black-owned
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